€10 per month – Become a lunch sponsor for our school children!

A lunch sponsorship covers the cost of a nutritious school lunch and increases the likelihood of school attendance.
Become a lunch sponsor for our school children in Africa or Asia!

What does food have to do with education?

It’s a simple cycle. Many of our school children have to help with housework, take care of younger siblings and do other chores. In Pakistan, they help their parents make bricks, and in Nepal, they tend to livestock. Often they do not receive a hot meal at home. They come to school hungry. Without adequate food and a healthy diet they lack the foundation to be able to learn. Education is their access to a better and healthier life.

This is why it is so important that these children are provided with a hot, healthy meal at school; often it is the children’s only meal of the day. In addition, school lunch is an important incentive for parents to send their children to school regularly.

Each month we struggle to provide a hot, nutritious meal and fruit for each of our school children. We need your help!

Support us with your sponsorship!

For €10 per month you help provide a child with school lunch for one month. This means that the child will not go hungry and the child and parents will not to have to worry about the next meal. If you would like to support school children in a specific country – Madagascar, Nepal, Pakistan or the Philippines – please indicate this in the donation form.

The cost of providing meals varies from project to project. Any funds not fully used for meals will be used for other expenses of the selected educational project/school.

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